• Research Interests

    International Finance
    Applied Time Series Analysis

    Contact Information

    Address: No.1727, Sec.4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun District, Taichung 407224, Taiwan
    Office: College of Management, M505
    Tel: 886-4-23590121 ext 35310
    Fax: 886-4-23592898
    E-mail:shyhwei.chen@gmail.com (primary), schen@thu.edu.tw (secondary)


    Ph. D. Economics, National Chengchi University

    M.A. Economics, Soochow University

    B.B.A. Business Administration, Soochow University

  • Referred Journal Publications

    Indexed in SSCI, SCI, TSSCI

    1. Xie, Z., Chen, S.-W. and Hsieh, C.-K. (2025), Testing PPP hypothesis under considerations of nonlinear and asymmetric adjustments: New international evidence, Empirica, in press.【SSCI】
    2. Chen, S.-W., Hsieh, C.-K. and Xie, Z. (2024, March), Is the public indebtedness of the G-7 sustainable in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic? Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy, 54(2), 1-43.【TSSCI】
    3. Xie, Z., Chen, S.-W. and Wu, A.-C. (2023, March), Real interest rate parity in the Pacific Rim countries: New empirical evidence, Empirical Economics, 64(3), 1471-1515.【SSCI】
    4. Xie, Z., Chen, S.-W. and Wu, A.-C. (2022, March), The impact of external shocks on the volatility of stock returns: New evidence from four developed countries, Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy, 52(2), 49-88.【TSSCI】
    5. Xie, Z., Chen, S.-W. and Hsieh, C.-K. (2021, May), Facing up to the polysemy of purchasing power parity: New international evidence, Economic Modelling, 98, 247-265.【SSCI】
    6. Xie, Z., Chen, S.-W. and Wu, A.-C. (2020, May), The foreign exchange and stock market nexus: New international evidence, International Review of Economics and Finance, 67, 240-266.【SSCI】
    7. Xie, Z., Chen, S.-W. and Wu, A.-C. (2019, November), Asymmetric adjustment, non-linearity and housing price bubbles: New international evidence, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 50, 101036, 1-33. 【SSCI】
    8. Xie, Z. and Chen, S.-W. (2019, May), Exchange rates and fundamentals: A bootstrap panel data analysis, Economic Modelling, 78, 209-224.【SSCI】
    9. Chen, S.-W. and Wu, A.-C. (2018, November), Is there a bubble component in government debt? New international evidence, International Review of Economics and Finance, 58, 467-486.【SSCI】
    10. Chen, S.-W., Xie, Z. and Liao, Y. (2018, November), Energy consumption promotes economic growth or economic growth causes energy use in China? A panel data analysis, Empirical Economics, 55(3), 1019-1043.【SSCI】
    11. Chen, S.-W. and Xie, Z. (2017, November), Detecting speculative bubbles under considerations of the sign asymmetry and size non-linearity: New international evidence, International Review of Economics and Finance, 52, 188-209.【SSCI】
    12. Chen, S.-W. and Xie, Z. (2017, March), Asymmetric adjustment and smooth breaks in dividend yields: Evidence from international stock markets, International Review of Economics and Finance, 48, 339-354.【SSCI】
    13. Chen, S.-W. and Hsu, C.-S. (2016, February), Threshold, smooth transition and mean reversion in inflation: New evidence from European countries, Economic Modelling, 53, 23-36.【SSCI】
    14. Chen, S.-W., Hsu, C.-S. and Xie, Z. (2016, January), Are there periodically collapsing bubbles in the stock markets? New international evidence, Economic Modelling, 52, 442-451.【SSCI】
    15. Chen, S.-W. and Shen, C.-H. (2015, September), Revisiting the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle with regime switching: New evidence from European countries, Economic Modelling, 49, 260-269.【SSCI】
    16. Chen, S.-W. and Xie, Z. (2015, July), Testing for current account sustainability under assumptions of smooth break and nonlinearity, International Review of Economics and Finance, 38, 142-156.【SSCI】
    17. Xie, Z. and Chen, S.-W. (2015, January), Are there periodically collapsing bubbles in the REIT markets? New evidence from the US, Research in International Business and Finance, 33, 17-31. 【SSCI】
    18. Chen, S.-W. (2014, February), Smooth transition, non-linearity and current account sustainability: Evidence from the European countries, Economic Modelling, 38, 541-554.【SSCI】
    19. Xie, Z. and Chen, S.-W. (2014, May), Untangling the causal relationship between government budget and current account deficits in OECD countries: Evidence from bootstrap panel Granger causality, International Review of Economics and Finance, 31, 95-104. 【SSCI】
    20. Chen, S.-W. (2014, February), Testing for fiscal sustainability: New evidence from the G-7 and some European countries, Economic Modelling, 37, 1-15.【SSCI】
    21. Chen, S.-W. and Lin, S.-M. (2014, January), Non-linear dynamics in international resource markets: Evidence from regime switching approach, Research in International Business and Finance, 30, 233-247. 【SSCI
    22. Chen, S.-W. (2013, September), Long memory and regime switching properties of current account deficits in the US, Economic Modelling, 35, 78-87.【SSCI】
    23. Chen, S.-W. and Shen, C.-H. (2012, March), Examining the stochastic behavior of REIT returns: Evidence from the regime switching approach, Economic Modelling, 29(2), 291-298.【SSCI】
    24. Chen, S.-W. (2011, August), Are current account deficits really sustainable in the G-7 countries? Japan and the World Economy, 23(3), 190-201.【SSCI】
    25. Chen, S.-W. (2011, July), Current account deficits and sustainability: Evidence from the OECD countries, Economic Modelling, 28(4), 1455-1464.【SSCI】
    26. Shen, C.-H., Lee, C.-C., Chen, S.-W. and Xie, Z. (2011, August), Roles played by financial development in economic growth: Application of the flexible regression model, Empirical Economics, 41(1), 103-135.【SSCI】
    27. Shen, C.-H., Chen, S.-W. and Chen, C.-F. (2010, August), The dual characteristics of closed-end country funds: The role of risk, Applied Economics, 42(8), 1003-1013. 【SSCI】
    28. Chen, S.-W. (2010, February), Is the arms race between the PRC and Taiwan simply a myth? The long-run and causal relationship between their defense spending ratios, Applied Economics Letters, 17(2), 159-164. 【SSCI】
    29. Chen, S.-W. (2008, November), Identifying U.S. turning points revisited: The Panel model with the regime switching approach, Applied Economics Letters, 15(11), 893-897. 【SSCI】
    30. Chen, S.-W. (2008, September), Long-run aggregate import demand function in Taiwan: An ARDL bounds testing approach, Applied Economics Letters, 15(9), 731-735. 【SSCI】
    31. Chen, S.-W., Shen, C.-H. and Xie, Z. (2008, March), Evidence of a nonlinear relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty: the case of the four little dragons, Journal of Policy Modeling, 30(2), 363-376.【SSCI】
    32. Chen, S.-W. (2007, December), Measuring business cycle turning points in Japan with the Markov switching panel model, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 76(4), 236-270. 【SCI】
    33. Chen, S.-W. and Shen, C.-H. (2007, May), Evidence of the duration-dependence from the stock markets in the Pacific rim economies, Applied Economics, 39(11), 1461-1474. 【SSCI】
    34. Chen, S.-W. and Huang, N.-C. (2007, March), Estimates of the ICAPM with regime-switching betas: Evidence from four Pacific rim economies, Applied Financial Economics, 17(4), 313-327. 【SSCI, Merging into Applied Economics in 2015】
    35. Chen, S.-W. and Shen, C.-H. (2007, January), A sneeze in the U.S., a cough in Japan, but pneumonia in Taiwan? An application of the Markov-switching vector autoregressive model, Economic Modelling, 24(1), 1-14.【SSCI】
    36. Chen, S.-W., Shen, C.-H. and Xie, Z. (2006, July), Nonlinear relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty in Taiwan, Applied Economics Letters, 13(8), 529-533. 【SSCI】
    37. Chen, S.-W. (2006, April), Simultaneously modeling the volatility of the growth rate of real GDP and determining business cycle turning points: Evidence from the U.S., Canada and the UK, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 71(2), 87-102. 【SCI】
    38. Chen, S.-W. and Shen, C.-H. (2006, April), When Wall street conflicts with main street,: The divergent movements of Taiwan's leading indicators, International Journal of Forecasting, 22(2), 317-339. 【SSCI】
    39. 陳仕偉 (2006, March), 景氣波動變異對景氣轉折點認定之影響:跨國的實證研究,《人文及社會科學集刊》, 18(1), 37-76。【TSSCI】
    40. Chen, S.-W. and Shen ,C.-H. (2006, January), Can the identification puzzle of Taiwan's turning points after 1990 be solved? Economic Modelling, 23(1), 174-195.【SSCI】
    41. Chen, S.-W. (2005, October), Empirical evidence of asymmetries in Taiwan's business cycles: A simple note, Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy, 36(1), 81-102.【TSSCI】
    42. Chen, S.-W. and Shen, C.-H. (2004, November), GARCH, jumps and permanent and transitory components of volatility: the case of the Taiwan exchange rate, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 67(3), 201-216. 【SCI】
    43. Chen, S.-W. and Shen, C.-H. (2004, June), Price common volatility or volume common volatility? Evidence from Taiwan exchange rate and stock markets, Asian Economic Journal, 18(2), 185-211. 【SSCI】
    44. 陳仕偉、沈中華 (2003, December), 金融領先指標與實質領先指標訊息一致嗎? 台灣領先指標的實證分析, 《人文及社會科學集刊》, 15(4), 627-660。【TSSCI】
    45. 陳仕偉、沈中華 (2003, October), 台灣景氣循環持續依存特性之探討, 《台灣經濟預測與政策》, 34(1), 63-92。【TSSCI】
    46. Chen, S.-W. (2003, March), Is Taiwan's 10th business cycle over yet? A simple note, Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy, 33(2), 39-60. 【TSSCI】
    47. Chen, S.-W. (2002, December), Is there a peak-reversion asymmetry in Taiwan's business cycles? Taiwan Economic Review, 30(4), 531-562. 【TSSCI】
    48. Chen, S.-W. (2001, June), A note on Taiwan's business chronologies in terms of the Markov-switching factor model, Taiwan Economic Review, 29(2), 153-176. 【TSSCI】
    49. Chen, S.-W. and Lin, J.-L.(2000, September), Identifying turning points and business cycles in Taiwan: A multivariate dynamic Markov-switching factor model approach, Academia Economic Papers, 28(3), 289-321.【TSSCI】
    50. Chen, S.-W. and Lin, J.-L. (2000, March), Modelling business cycles in Taiwan with time-varying Markov-switching models, Academia Economic Papers, 28(1), 17-42.【TSSCI】
    51. 林金龍、吳中書、陳仕偉 (1999, March), 金融資產與儲蓄:台灣的實證研究, 《經濟論文》, 27(1), 81-102。【TSSCI】
    52. 高月霞、陳仕偉 (1994, April), 臺灣婦女勞動參與行為之因果關係分析, 《婦女與兩性學刊》, 5, 1-45。註: 2002 年 5 月 第 13 期開始更名為《女學學誌:婦女與性別研究》【TSSCI】

    Referred Book Article

    1. Chen, S.-W. and Xie, Z. (2019, July), Smooth break, non-linearity and speculative bubbles: New evidence of the G7 stock markets, In J. Chevalier, S. Goutte, D. Guerreiro, S. Saglio and B. Sanhaji (Eds.), International Financial Markets, London: Routledge. p. 133-159.
    2. 沈中華、陳仕偉 (2012, June), 歐洲債務危機之起因:兩個看法, 收錄於《走出歐美債危機》, 出版社:臺灣金融研訓院, 22-47。
    3. Chen, S.-W. and Lin, J.-L. (2000, January), Switching ARCH models of stock market volatility in Taiwan, Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics, and Finance, 4, 1-21.
  • Academic Awards

    Honors and Awards

    1. Excellent Mentor Award, Tunghai University, 2023 (東海大學 111 學年度優良導師) (medal picture) (112 學年第 1 學期導師工作知能研習會)
    2. Teaching Excellence Award, Thunghai University, 2019 (東海大學 108 學年度教學優良獎) (certificate picture) (頒獎典禮)
    3. The Research Award Subsidized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, 2018 (107 學年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵)
    4. Outstanding Research Award, Tunghai University, 2018 (東海大學 106 學年度學術著作傑出獎) (certificate picture) (頒獎典禮)
    5. Excellent Mentor Award, Tunghai University, 2017 (東海大學 105 學年度優良導師) (medal picture) (106 學年第 1 學期導師工作知能研習會)
    6. Excellent Research Award, Tunghai University, 2007 (東海大學 95 學年度研究績優獎) (medal picture) (東海新聞網)

    7. Type A Research Award, National Science Council, 2000 (89 學年度國科會甲種研究獎勵) (獲獎名單) (甲種研究獎勵於 2001 取消)

  • Book

    Markov switching model: Applications to Economics and Finance

    ─ 謹將此書獻給我的父親陳勝雄先生以及紀念我的母親王雪葭女士

    • 封面
    • 推薦序 
    • 出版社:指南書局
    • 出版日期:2012 年 2 月 6 日
    • 語言:繁體中文
    • ISBN:978-986-6085-14-7
    • 定價:NT 500
    • 勘誤